MaRi BeRsAmA-SaMA MeNyELaMi JiWa iNI

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tag by Ikin......

3 names in your message inbox:

~my siS
~ntah sape ntah nama mamat tuh.... budak kmpungku yg baru dikenali..:P

Your Ringtone:

~tilu : ku bukan aku

What u did at 12 last night?

~on9 + watch tv~

Who was the last person you went out with? Where?

~my beloved parents..... jalan TAR.... got new cloth..yeay!!

The colour of the T-shirt you're wearing now :

~black, really love it....

The last thing u did:

~chatting with someone:))

3 of your everyday favorite items:

~bathroom.. hahahahhaha....

The color of your bedroom:


How much money in your wallet now:

~rm50, just got it from bo beloved brother... thanks bro~

How's life?

~just fine... as usual... selagi mereka yg sy sayangi ada disisi...

Your favorite song:

~wat masa skrg..... bila cinta... OST lagenda budak setan~

What will you do next week:

~basuh pinggan.... hahhahahaha.....

When was the last time you saw your mum:

~tgah duk ckp nih, sambil menaip... hahahhaha....

Where is she now?

~ada in front of me nih.... hye mom!!!

When was the last time you talked to your parent?

~baru jer jap td....

Who is the last that talked with you last night:

~eeeemmmmm....lupa dah.... bro kot~

Where did you have dinner last night

~at h0mE

The last surprise you got.

~suprise....ntah, hahhahaa...

Last thing you borrowed from your friend:

~eeeemmmmmm.......foam from my senior... tumpang bilik dia arituh...:P

Who is your bf/gr or husband/wife?

~still seraching... bleh tolong carikkan tak????

What do you feel now?


Who knows your secret?

~me and UA

They keep your secret??

~haHAa..really hope so.....

Are you angry with someone?

~eeemmm.......takde kot....

What do you order at McD:

~chicken mcDeluce... sundae coklat..oohhh~

The last time you feel so sad..

~baru jerk tadi.. thanks to fathi... feel much better now....


Fathi Adha said...

bru prasan entry ni ada nama jugak nama fathi...ngeee :p

It's okey...

shida said...
